Sunday, October 21, 2012

Treasure For The Taking

There is a stirring within me. I have felt it before. It's a new beginning for me. Reminds me of how You hoovered over the chaos in Genesis, the beginning of beginnings. Your Spirit overshadowed that which was unseen, that which appeared to be random disorder and You brought into vision that which could only have been imagined! You are about to do it again. In me. I can always feel Your presence right before You bring order to my disorder. Right before You pull all of the random pieces together to show me what Masterpiece You have been working on. I'm never disappointed.

What order would come from filtering every detail of my days through the Cross and the Resurrection? They are either the filter or their not. There is no in between. How much of life have I limped along as if the Cross was my end. Ticket to Glory in hand...but lame for today? Forgiven and loved...but powerless to rise up with mat in tow. With the earthquake of Calvary rocks were split into...but with the violence of the tomb emptying, the enormous boulder was hurled aside. Linens nice and tidy were all that was found when dust settled! The linens were a picture of an old Hebrew custom which meant 'I will return once again'.

When You return will you find any faithful? It was You that posed the question. I ask myself the same. Will You find me faithful? Will I live as if the Resurrection was truly the grand finale and not the Cross? Will I wear an empty tomb on a chain around the neck instead of a couple of timbers? Will I refuse to allow thoughts or circumstances to dictate my reality? Or will I believe the love letters that You left behind for me? Those written in Your blood with urgency as the verb tense.

Your promises are for the taking. The price already paid. The fullness of the treasures You purchased...awaits me...and for those who believe! Will you find me faithful?

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