Tuesday, October 22, 2019


I’m not sure the first time it happened. I can’t honestly remember. All I remember is the season it began. I spent time in the Word daily and it had become a life force for me. I recall having a childlike wonder when something would happen that would make me question if it was God or not? No one around me seemed to be asking...but I just couldn’t ignore the idea that it sure seemed to be more than a coincidence. Since that time I have come to realize in the Hebrew language there is not a word for coincidence. Coincidence does not exist in the language of our God.

I have always been a heavy thinker...always processing something. The adjective silly or childlike would never have been used in describing my take on life. Yet, oddly enough. it is the best way to describe my response to the “aha-moments” that seemed to happen after I became a lover of Jesus. I remember standing there processing something that had just happened that reminded me of the scripture that I had just read that morning… wondering... could that have been God leaving me a trail to find Him? It seemed much too simplistic...yet, I just couldn’t dismiss the timing.

I found the scriptures to be alive in a way I had never known words to live. Perhaps a conversation with a friend wasn’t complete until I plugged in the missing piece that He had shown me in my quiet time earlier that day. Like a puzzle piece I didn’t even know I had...but somehow it seemed to answer a question I didn’t know they were even asking. It seemed like He was sewing little pieces here and there...all with a common thread. I would study a topic that week then on Sunday someone would be teaching on the very same thing...even the new worship song we sang seemed to be echoing the idea.

Even though I had become a true skeptic in my early years...there was something about this new found relationship I had with an unseen God that made me choose to believe He was indeed leaving me little “treasure-clues” along my day, always leading my heart back to His. I remember feeling foolish at first but for the first time in my life I dismissed the idea of looking foolish and simply trusted my childlike heart. I've never regretted it! Many times in my Christian walk I have watched others not take that chance. They seemed to have no curiosity for the little details He had left strewn across their path, like love letters from the Lover of their soul. I have watched many dismiss His simple childlike ways that He used to woo them into a relationship that didn’t stop at the end of a pew on Sunday mornings.

Many believe that God doesn't talk anymore...everything He needed to say was recorded in the bible long, long ago. But I believe He is constantly speaking, whispering to our hearts and longing for our attention. He's passionate about you and He refuses to remain silent. So go ahead, if you're reluctant to believe that He is trying to get your attention, ask Him. Ask Him to help you see the many fingerprints He leaves all over your day...and when it feels childlike to believe what you see is real...BELIEVE.  Remember it was Him who said "unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven". (Matt. 18:4) Set your intention to hear Him and I promise, you will fall in love all over again!