Thursday, April 9, 2015


I saw a sign a few years ago that read "Don't die with your music left inside." It struck a chord within me (no pun intended). The sad idea that I could live out my days and not release my music has haunted me. At times I feel the music is at torrential proportions within me. I get excited at the possibility of it's release...yet I often feel inept to give it the royal birth it deserves.

I believe music is spirit. It has inherent power to transform the atmosphere where it is released. I believe that Love has sown a song in each of our souls. He desires that sound to be released through the living out of our lives. My song is different than yours, for my personality is different than yours.  The root word for personality can be interpreted as "one who sound travels through". We were created to release a sound. His sound!  Everything Love created was created with the "sound" of His voice. He created us in His likeness and therefore I believe we too create with the sound of our own voices.
What if every obstacle in life, every intense season of pain and confusion, has been nothing more than a methodical plan of the enemy to keep my voice silent, or even worse...negative? What if every set back and every time my heart suffered rupture, was like an evil game of chess, played by the hand of darkness to keep my song muffled? What if the devils schemes are sent like perfectly drawn arrows to destroy the heavenly tune I carry?
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:11 that when we have been hurt and offended we must choose forgiveness "in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes." He schemes using pain to steal our steal our praise, to steal our song.
What if we beat him at his own game and begin to birth the song we were intricately designed to sing? What if the true meaning of life  is giving birth to the music that swells up within us and releasing it back into the heavenlies? It would be like heaven invading earth! What if heaven has already invaded earth, and it's bottled up inside of me, bottled up inside of you...and it's just waiting to be released?
Resurrection day is always a beautiful day of reflection for me. Jesus came and lived His life to the full and then He offered it up as the sweetest melody ever released. Resurrection was the moment of earths greatest crescendo! It was at that moment that Heaven truly invaded earth! The veil that separated us from Love was ripped from top to bottom as Love's ballad of invitation floated down to all those below who were made in His image. Every time you and I celebrate this truth, every time we praise His name, we release a heavenly sound that declares to the enemy that he has been defeated and that Love has won! Let us not die with Love's music left inside!
Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. (Isa. 49:13)
Photo credit: Jessica Nadine Photography

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